Woodland Cycle Route



długość 17.2km

długosć: 17.2




This cycle lane is very interesting and ideal for those who love silence and nature.

We start our trip in Zaborowo at the reservoir and then cross the 323 road from Leszno to Góra and after that we cycle along Sosnowa and Topolowa street towards the unguarded level crossing. Crossing this railway line between Leszno and Wrocław requires extreme caution. Behind the level crossing the route travels through woodland – the area belonging to the Town and Municipality of Rydzyna. Now we can have a rest in the forest, listen to the birds singing, breathe fresh air and relax far from the hustle and bustle of the town.

We continue along hardened forest tracks to Rydzyna. Having crossed the road, cycling on road no. 5 we enter the town. We go past the old town and approach the historic square with a unique urban  arrangement, often referred to as ‘The Baroque Pearl’. We may go off the track and visit the outstanding Sułkowski Castle surrounded by a park.

In Rydzyna surely the baroque St. Stanisław’s church, picturesque square with the town hall dating back to 1725 are worth a visit. From the square we set off towards Kłoda, passing the confectioner’s, a former Sułkowski forge on the right.

At the crossroad near the petrol station we turn right and again cross road no 5. Now we go through Kłoda Duża but further through a pine forest until a crossroad where we turn right towards Tarnowa Łęka.

We cycle along the route to Chruścina, where with a bit of luck we may encounter the white-tailed eagle, whose presence proves how pristine this region is.

Urząd Miasta i Gminy Rydzyna

ul. Rynek 1
64-130 Rydzyna
rydzyna@rydzyna.pl 48 655388434

Work hours:
Monday 8.00-16.00
Tuesday 7.30-15.30
Wednesday 7.30-15.30
Thursday 7.30-15.30
Friday 7.30-15.30

Office hours for USC's clients, population records, ID cards:
Monday - 8.00-16.00
other days - 7.30-14.00